Reviews from

Land and Sea

Viewing comments for Page 47 "Foxtails in the Fog"
land and seascapes

82 total reviews 
Comment from Daliant

A beautiful creation.There isms much atmosphere created in your image.themco
Our and composition are visually appealing.I can see this hanging on a wall to create a sense,of serenity

 Comment Written 22-Sep-2012

reply by the author on 22-Sep-2012
    Thank you ever so much, Daliant. And thank you for the extra special rating. Both are very much appreciated. :)shawn
Comment from michaelsm55

This has a good feel to it.Good composition. nice framing. You have a nice effect of the sun slowly breaking through the fog bank.

 Comment Written 22-Sep-2012

reply by the author on 22-Sep-2012
    Thank you so very very much, Michael. Your wonderful comments are truly appreciated. :)shawn
Comment from Life is but a dream.

I hear this image (no not an opera). I can feel this image, and I can see the wind clearly.
This is a digital composition?

I'm not sure if this would qualify under minimalism for in minimalistic art the focus is one identifying only one thing eliminating all else....sort of like a black canvas! BUT no matter this landscape is breathtakingly alluring and quite simplistic, it is almost Zen like, very Japanese.

The liquid quality of the background as juxtaposed against the grasses adds depth and meaning to the image and provides us with a story. I'm not sure about that bird, but that's my opinion and it doesn't count...put your thumb over that bird and white spot....what do you think, do you think the image becomes stronger in a more simplistic manner? I this canvas less would definitely be more. NO I'm not about to dock marks for your artistry which I honor.

The tonality is rich rendering a crisp image in the colour palette of!

I see you already have the best ever button and it is well deserved.

 Comment Written 22-Sep-2012

reply by the author on 26-Sep-2012
    Thank you ever so much for the fabulous review, Dreamy!! I really appreciate it. :)shawn
Comment from sunnyb

This is so soft and flowing, it reminds me of childhood, a vivid imagination, and the wind in the willows. I love the touch of the bird in flight in the distance.

 Comment Written 22-Sep-2012

reply by the author on 22-Sep-2012
    Thank you ever so much for the wonderful review, Sunny. This one and Washington Autumn, that I posted recently, reminds me of places where as a kid we used to catch crawdads/crayfish. Again, thank you!! :)shawn
Comment from mamamary

I love the fog. It is so mysterious. I like that you can see the sun barely through the fog and the bird flying in toward us. The wheat is nice. I don't know if it is the wind or if the wheat is reaching toward the sun is most of the time. Good detail.

 Comment Written 21-Sep-2012

reply by the author on 22-Sep-2012
    Thank you ever so much, Mary. :)shawn
Comment from onyanita

i thought this was traditional art at first. Fantastic creation with excellent composition. Love the bird coming out of the mist just in front of the sun. The gold and green tones are divine. Amazing textures. Its outstanding for me.

 Comment Written 21-Sep-2012

reply by the author on 22-Sep-2012
    Thank you so very very much for the wonderful comments, onyanita. I really appreciate it. :)shawn
Comment from jesuel

What a beautiful piece of art the color composition is great excellent depth really great lighting effect beautiful work here

 Comment Written 21-Sep-2012

reply by the author on 21-Sep-2012
    What a super honor to get such a wonderful review from one of the greats of FAR. Thank you so much, James!! I truly appreciate it. :)shawn
Comment from tristadombroski

This is a very simple yet peaceful piece. I love the muted colors, it gives a very "warm" feeling. Excellent job on composition, I love how they are swaying in the wind, but that there are not too many of them. Shading is great - the darker shades at the bottom contrast nicely with the lighter shades at the top. The little flying bird is a lovely touch. And the over all texture effect gives the piece a lovely worn feeling, and it works great! Great job overall, it was a pleasure to review!

 Comment Written 21-Sep-2012

reply by the author on 21-Sep-2012
    Thank you so much for the wonderful review and extra special rating, Trista. Both are deeply appreciated. :)shawn
Comment from goldie-lopez

At first this looked like a picture, but than I had to look again and I saw it was a painting. This is an excellent image of digital composition.

I like the sun, the bird and the plant/wheat gently blowing in the wind. The colors are perfect, they blended well together. Beautifully done...

Great Job

 Comment Written 21-Sep-2012

reply by the author on 21-Sep-2012
    Thank you ever so much for the beautiful comments, Goldie. Very much appreciated. :)shawn
Comment from Pentax2012

Nice antiquy texture to this, with well-defined fox tails and good overall depth and color. For some reason I feel the sun is a hair bright, but it could just be me - or my monitor. It has a very autumn-y feel to it. Nice work!

 Comment Written 21-Sep-2012

reply by the author on 21-Sep-2012
    Thank you so very very much, Pentax. :)shawn