Reviews from

The perfect Storm

Rainstorm approaching across the water

8 total reviews 
Comment from david F

whoa , very dramatic and no doubting what your in for when you see something like this i guess, so is it a case of getting in doors and battening dow the hatches and putting the kettle on (oh im back bye the way lol ) hope you had a greta Chritmas Cleo :-)

 Comment Written 29-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 29-Dec-2012
    Thank you!!!
    It looks more dramatic than it was. That was just a little rainstorm, not more than 20mph. The waves 2feet in most, probably less; but Lucky [our dog] and I got soaked thoroughly :-)
reply by david F on 30-Dec-2012
    Mmmm he wasnt so Lucky that day then LOL
Comment from Mr Jones

Excellent picture and using the camera to document such an interesting, natural weather formation. Great use of natural light and exposure. The bluish water beneath really is delightful.

 Comment Written 28-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 28-Dec-2012
    Thank you, for another excellent review!!!
Comment from donaldcolson

The storm is quite beautiful, while being equally dramatic. I envy your living so close to the ocean- a lifetime dream I will not be able to indulge. Don

 Comment Written 27-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 28-Dec-2012
    Thank you Don! Its paradise here; but...Be careful for what you wish; we get hurricanes here. We had to rebuild the house in 2005 and had to replace the roof about five times in the last 15 years. :-)
Comment from donkeyoatey

Lovely and natural, and the sense of force seems to pull us right into the center. I LIKE the name marauders, it imply fast movement and strong forces! This seems to be rolling in front of my eyes, very impressive catch..and me with no sixes for you...BAD donkey! Donkeyoatey

 Comment Written 27-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 28-Dec-2012
    Good Donkey! Once again, do NOT worry about sixes; your reviews make up for more than any six ever could be.
    Marauders are indeed fast forces. That storm was not to bad. Not more than 20mph, waves 2 feet in most. Mostly hard rain, but very fast. I packed up the camera right after that shot and went home. Even we was not more than 500 feet from home. Lucky and I got thoroughly soaked. Lucky runs faster than I!
Comment from pattigirl

Wow, what a stunning capture of this oncoming storm! Great clarity and nicely composed to show the enormity of the "perfect storm" The electric blue across the water is just fabulous, and gives such a feel of a serious approaching storm. Impressive sight!

 Comment Written 27-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 28-Dec-2012
    Thank you very much! This one looks actually more dangerous than it was. It came with only about 20mph; but Lucky [my dog] and I got thoroughly soaked.
Comment from Grammysandy

Very nice capture. The Ocean is very flat but the action is in the clouds which convey the appearance of depth.The light is further back & my eyes want to go there. Thanks for sharing. Grammysandy

 Comment Written 27-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 27-Dec-2012
    Thank you! I appreciate your review very much. The wave appear in the picture smaller than in reality due to the angle; but they are indeed small, not more than two feet high. It was just a rainstorm with low wind, not more than about 20 mph.
Comment from BrooklynMyra

Excellent movement of the clouds that certainly do look threatening. Good depth of field as the clouds are moving. The water is dark and solemn. I love this picture!

 Comment Written 27-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 27-Dec-2012
    Thank you very much, I appreciate your review.
Comment from esgjag

Very nice capture. You can see the rain in the distant coming down. Almost like a horseshoe shape front. I like the lighting on this one as it shows the storms power. Excellent shot.

 Comment Written 27-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 27-Dec-2012
    Thank you! I appreciate your review very much.