Reviews from

'Onya', crystal's pup


17 total reviews 
Comment from kimartist

So cute - she looks like a Teddy Bear! I was wondering about the unusual pose (for a Teddy Bear!), but then read your notes and had to laugh. Amazing to me also is how photo-realistic this looks, especially in the thumbnail. Love the bright colors. This seems like an image that would work really well on a postcard, or greeting card. Nice!:)

 Comment Written 16-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 16-Jan-2013
    Thank you Kim. I sell a lot of my painting on greeting cards. It something I came up with over the Christmas holiday, and it went over really big, it surprised me how many people liked it. I put the painting on the front with the tile, on the inside left I add a thumbnail of another one of paintings and on the right, I opaque the front image and add a one line remark, with this particular painting I used,' Had a ball the last time we were together" then put my logo on the back along with my website.
    Their easy to make and gives everyone the opportunity to have one of my paintings for $2.00 if you get a chance I'd be honored if you'd check out my website it's
    thanks again Kim for the review
Comment from Heidi85

Well done, When I first saw it it looks like a real picture. Awesome choice of colors very vibrant and bold. You have an impressive gift capturing life onto paper or canvas!! This picture all around is pretty much perfect there's nothing I would change about it the color the shading the texture all of it is awesome and beautiful !!:);)

 Comment Written 14-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 15-Jan-2013
    WOW I can't thank you enough for the outstanding rating you gave this painting. I've been getting hit pretty hard on my choice for the background, changed it a few times, but this one is staying LOL thank you so much Heidi for a wonderful review and I can't tell you how happy I am to see that someone likes this without a complaint LOL
Comment from blujdrawings

great colours chosen here
the expression is really really cool
good tones and use of lights and darks
thanks for sharing on far

 Comment Written 13-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 15-Jan-2013
    Thank you bluj for a wonderful review and taking the time to stop and write one, it means a lot
Comment from pattigirl

I have to say that "I want one too!" Isn't she just the cutest little darling ever!! Wonderful detail, and as always, you style and technique are masterful! It is a wonderful work, and I know your daughter will love it! Do lots of painting of little Onya! Great work! A pleasure to view.

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 Comment Written 13-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 15-Jan-2013
    LOL If you seen little Onya you wouldn't be ab le to put her down. She is the cuties little thing and as hyper as can be. Thank you so much for the wonderful; review and rating it really means a lot
Comment from sohailanwar

So fantastic pets digital art work with look of traditional art,good colors and so fine skilled art work with quality and perfection..

 Comment Written 13-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 15-Jan-2013
    Thank you sohailanwar for the wonderful review and kind words b oth mean a lot
Comment from marieann green

Awwww, precious art work and precious puppy portrait. Excellent colors and composition. Bet your daughter is delighted with this charming digital painting

 Comment Written 13-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 15-Jan-2013
    thankyou marieanne, yes she loved it, but not as much as she did her 3 cat painting I did for her LOl
    Thanks again for a wonderful review
reply by marieann green on 15-Jan-2013
    You are a kind person
Comment from martyleo

I think this is an excellent painting of a precious puppy. He is too cute to resist. The detail and brush work for the fur is excellent. I like the bright colors of the picture and the composition of it. You are very talented in digital work.

 Comment Written 12-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 15-Jan-2013
    Thank you martyleo for such a wonderful review. I still blush when someone says I'm talented,just don't see that in my work so I have to say again how much I appreciate your kind words and encouragement
Comment from jesuel

what a great piece of art i thought it was real at first the color composition is great the level of detail is amazing beautiful work here

 Comment Written 12-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 15-Jan-2013
    Thank you Jesuel. YOu paid me the best compliment ever
    Thanks again
Comment from drmerlin

This is very impressive. I so admire people such as yourself who can create art on computers (or using any other medium for that matter). I love the level of detail on the dog and generally like the composition. The only thing that I think lets down the image is that green rug! I would suggest that the image would have been even better with colours that go together a little better.

 Comment Written 12-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 12-Jan-2013
    I have tried a pink rug, and lighter color rug, and even went to having her in grass, for some reason I just can't get the background to go with the pup , guess she just doesn't belong anywhere other than in my daughters lap LOLOLOL
    Thanks so much for your review and honesty. I so enjoy these types of reviews. What would be your suggestion on the backdrop, besides my daughters lap that is LOL
    Thanks again
reply by drmerlin on 13-Jan-2013
    Hi Lynnkah... Mmmm... what to do for the background.... I really am not sure. In studio photography we often use a plain white background and then light it to produce varying shades of grey. Perhaps a simple background with a gradient from light to darker (top to bottom) would do the job. If she looks best on your daughter's lap, how about placing her on a ruffled blanket? I do think that it is worth persevering with this because the painting of the dog is superb. Kind regards, Brian
reply by the author on 13-Jan-2013
    thanks Brian. that's one of the things about computerized art work, if saved in layers it's easy to change anything in the scene such as the background. I'll give your idea a try, thanks for the input it's a huge help
Comment from greenmountaingirl

great painting! awesome color and you captured the toy breeds vivaciousness perfectly! well done and so very cute!

 Comment Written 07-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2013
    Thank you so much for a wonderful review and kind words it reay means a lot