Reviews from

Captain America

supero hero

13 total reviews 
Comment from susanlen

Being British and not American, I have never heard of this hero. Must say he looks a cross between Spiderman and Superman! This is very striking with the red, white and blue colours. Like the background which looks like a night sky to me with lots of little dots resembling stars. The character himself is fantastic. The whole image is very striking and colourful. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2013
    thank you Susan for the great reviews. you need to watch the ADVENGERS movie came out last year, really cool show. it has all the marvel comic book hero's in it, I'm sure you'd recognize a few of them.
    thanks again
Comment from Jean A Cormier

Well, I don't know much about digital painting, but this does appear as though it is an acrylic or an oil-some digital just looks so smudged where you have clearly defined lines and good tonal range. I certainly hope your husband likes this-it is nicely composed, LOVE the American flag in the background and the dark far background really pushes this toward me. How long does it take to do something like this? Jean

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2013
    thank you jean. when I use twisted brush, I use a few brushes that are called acrylic to give it the oil painted appearance. also the colors are richer than they are when I use air brush. its a really great program, that resembles a lot of traditional brushes.
    thanks again jean
Comment from Lucien van Oosten

I think you did nice job on creating this digital image. I do think that the flag needs to be entirely within the frame and there needs to be a little more negative space at the top, as it is matted and framed the top of his head would get cut of. I think you have done a very good job with the lighting, shadows and blending.

when will we see Thor & the rest of the Avengers?

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2013
    great advice Lucien. I can do this since I still have it saved thanks good advice is always appreciated
Comment from icnpictures

Neat work and very cool that you did this all digitally- my kids would love it. I am not a big super hero fan either, but the movie was good and I do like the bright bold colors- Nice work!! The flag behind is a neat effect!

 Comment Written 28-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2013
    thanks for the great review. and I have to agree, the movie was fantastic
    thanks again
Comment from slhbowen

I don't care if the pose is copied from someone else. I agree - if you painted it, it's new to you.
Overall, this is a good picture. I would unfurl the flag a little more in the top right because it's a little dark there. Not too much, just a little more. I'm not sure why there are two shadows on the shield, but it didn't look quite right with them. I know that it's a superhero 'thing" for their faces to be in the shadow, but could you let us see some more features? It could still be shadowed, just not as sinister.
I'm sure your husband loved it because it is a great picture. I felt those few things might make it a little better for next time.
(And yes, I like Thor too. Can't wait for the next movie.)

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 Comment Written 27-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2013
    thank you so much for a fantastic review. I agree, I should have added more detail to the face, but the original art work that I copied this from had it that way, I think I will go back and add a little detail, because your right it does make him look more like a bad guy instead of the hero he is suppose to be.
    oh and the shadows on the shield are way off I agree completely, but had to do that to make it look concave, I had it first without the shadows and it looked flat.
    thank you again for taking the time to write such an in depth review, it is always appreciated
Comment from sonshine

Diane Lynn,'s that's MY Sisters name, my ONLY Sister;) She was named after the movie star:) Well, Diane..I think that you did a wonderful job on this digatil painting..teriffic details, colors, framing and the bg! Very creative with sharp focused details and a great clarity in the subject AND the FLAG..awesome job, thank you for sharing

 Comment Written 27-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2013
    LOL, that's where my name came from also. my sister named me and Diane Lynn was her favorite actress, never thought anyone else was named after her, pretty cool to find out there was..
    thank you fro the kind review always appreciated
reply by sonshine on 30-Apr-2013
    You are more than welcome, Lynn..I really enjoyed your art piece and learning that there is another one with my Sis's name;) Cindy
Comment from Doris1022

well I didn't think you painted over someone eelses work. it is well done. nice flag. and red gloves. just a fine work. ok it is digital I see. I like twisted brush.

 Comment Written 27-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2013
    thanks Doris you'd be surprised how often I get that lol. Twisted brush is a really cool program, at least I think so
    thanks again
Comment from donkeyoatey

I think it is great..and it has that amazing and wonderful sense of movement in both flag and the did VERY well! Donkeyoatey

 Comment Written 27-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2013
    thank you my friend. glad you liked this one
Comment from Angelheart The First

PDG girlfriend!
I was shocked at how good this was,it's really an excellent piece.Personally,I think you should promote this one,I think it would go well for you.
Now I see why you haven't called.My finger hurts,so I'm waiting for you!
Angelheart :) L.B.

 Comment Written 27-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2013
    took your advice and promoted this one, your right it seemed to go over pretty six rating however but then it is just a super hero lol
Comment from LorrainePurviance

nice job I like the colors and the flag background, the figure is well done and the shadow helps focus the eye on the figure.

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2013
    thank you Lorraine for such a great review. as always it mean a lot