Reviews from

Semper Fi Marines

Marine Corps knight

7 total reviews 
Comment from Arderian

Awesome!!! I had too give a 6 for this one. I love knights and to have a true Marine knight for justice is awesome. Now the artwork on this knight is amazing. I love the Crest, well designed. To top it off the USMC on the shield is a nice and awesome touch.

 Comment Written 28-Jun-2013

reply by the author on 01-Jul-2013
    You are far too kind to me my new friend. My husband is a 26 year Marine Veteran and I did this piece for him, and other Marines as well. Since you have looked through my portfolio then you no doubt also noticed my mixed media work titled " Honorable men of prayer' that has little painting other than the painting I did of Jesus, I just used a cut a paste and added that. That was another piece I did for my husband. Of the two, he is like you. He likes knights and he really liked this piece. I am now playing with a morphing program and putting a short video together of him and his military career and morphing the different photo's with my paintings to come up with a video titled, He is always A Marine. It's taking a bit longer than what I thought. I'd love to be able to do the 3D programs that you work with. They would make some really awesome videos.
    Thank you again for being so kind and taking the time to review my work.
Comment from donkeyoatey

WAY cool, a marine super hero..very different, and very effective. I am sure that this would make a great poster for the marines, and give them both a smile and a lift..also might make a most unusual tasttoo, if the right ink artist could be found. Donkeyoatey

 Comment Written 10-Jun-2013

reply by the author on 11-Jun-2013
    thank you for the compliment. I have a niece that has been on the cover of a tattoo magazine, she has them all over, personally I think it's a shame because she is such a beautiful girl but she loves her 'art' as she calls it. I guess I ought to send this to her, she'd have it put on her somewhere, if she has any room left LOL.
    thanks again
Comment from LorrainePurviance

imaginative way to portray the idea of the marines, the symbolism works and the color choices seem to work, though I might prefer a little more contrast in the knight to highlight the logos

 Comment Written 10-Jun-2013

reply by the author on 10-Jun-2013
    thank you Lorraine for the very kind review.. I added a bit more contrast at first but it seemed to throw the piece off, thanks for the input, always welcomed and appreciated
Comment from Barb Hornegisaspca

Ahhh. I had one for that and already posted it, Will work on another as this is great and the colors are spectacular. This is a real keeper.

 Comment Written 10-Jun-2013

reply by the author on 10-Jun-2013
    thanks for the review Barb, I'd love to read a poem to go with this, looking forward to it
    Diane Lynn
Comment from sonshine

THis is pretty cool, have a wonderful creativity, great sharp details, LOVE the colors, nice clarity in the details, great bg that has a d.o.f. excellent framing and just an awesome Art Piece all together! Fantastic job, and I'm sure your husband loved it;) Thank you for sharing it with us!

 Comment Written 10-Jun-2013

reply by the author on 10-Jun-2013
    thank you sonshine. I always look forward to your reviews, you always are far too kind
    thank you again
reply by sonshine on 10-Jun-2013
    It's my pleasure, Diane..really;) I'm not just sugar coating..I do see the work that you put into your art:) If I think it needs work, I'll let you know;)ssoo, your welcome, Sweetie:) Cindy
Comment from click3333

This is really cool...and I bet your hubby loved it. Love the strength of the piece..only wish our Marines were really this impenetrable.

Love the colors and the textures in it...and the vibrancy.

thank you so much for sharing this wonderful piece.

 Comment Written 10-Jun-2013

reply by the author on 10-Jun-2013
    thank you click for the nice review, Have to agree with you, if all of our military were this impenetrable, they'd all be home safe
Comment from kimartist

Wow. Super Fi! :) How did you come up with this idea? Really like the simple color scheme and, of course, marine as superhero/knight-in-shining-armor. Everything is well-rendered and clear. Nice! :)

 Comment Written 10-Jun-2013

reply by the author on 10-Jun-2013
    thank you Kim, I edited my notes to explain where the idea came from. I'm so glad you liked this.
    thank you again