Reviews from

It is all in the Eyes

Close up portrait of a cat

71 total reviews 
Comment from Levon7

It kind of reminds me of our cat. Our cat doesn't have these eyes though. They are beautiful, a great almost irredescant blue. Cute face, pretty colors. Nice close up too. Great shot done well.
Natalie :)

 Comment Written 22-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 23-Sep-2013
    Thank you very much for the lovely review
Comment from Mr Jones

fully deserving of a six and brilliant cat portrait. you could almost go swimming in those pool-water eyes. fab presentation and hope it wins.

 Comment Written 22-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 23-Sep-2013
    Thank you very much for the lovely review
Comment from Trin

Great close up shot av! Excellent DOF, good sharpness and focus!
Lovely exposure handliing and exceptional white balance!
Love the oil painting filter adds a softness and depth to the image that is really wonderful to view!
Thanks for sharing!

 Comment Written 22-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 23-Sep-2013
    Thank you very much for the lovely review
Comment from USMCPhotoman

Yes, as I have never seen a cat with blue eye or one that showed up in a photo. Most often than not cats eyes reflect so much they change dramatically in color. The fact that you captured these shows much skill. Great work, good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 22-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 23-Sep-2013
    Thank you very much for the lovely review
Comment from davealpert

It was well worth your efforts. The cat's eyes are beautiful and your capture is crisp and clear. The close-up adds interest to the image.

 Comment Written 22-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 23-Sep-2013
    Thank you very much for the lovely review
Comment from JB Stevenson

Yes, and well worth the worn out knees. Love the vivid, blue eyes and the detail captured in the face. Excellent job, thanks for sharing and good luck in contest.


 Comment Written 22-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 22-Sep-2013
    Thank you very much for the lovely review
Comment from stas123ir

Excellent composition. What I like the most here is fine balance between deep blue eyes,the most attractive part here,and different tonality of gray color. Also the role of pink nose should be mentioned as its contrast is very important in attracting ones eyes towards the face.
Perfect art work.

 Comment Written 22-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 22-Sep-2013
    Thank you very much for the lovely review and for the very generous rating.
reply by stas123ir on 22-Sep-2013
    Not at all. It is worth it.
Comment from Tony B

I have never seen eyes on a feline like this before, unique and a keeper I say.

Your cat should be proud of this and should hang this by her scratch post to view on a daily basis.

All kidding aside, we see many, many cat images here on FAR, personally, they all begin to run together. This is unique and for once I a kat photo, fun to review.

I like the close up as it shows nice detail and it dosent even make me sneeze. BUT what I do like is her position in the frame, off to one side to let her fur cascade across the screen, it serves as a background.

Well you certainly separated yourself from the pack, not only in this post but with ever post you create. Your work is professional, spot on and unique, you produce a signature to your work. Bravo~

 Comment Written 22-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 22-Sep-2013
    Thank you so very much for the lovely review Tony. I am indeed flattered by your kind words about my work as well, and am almost blushing. I am really glad you like this cat photo, because I really had to work for it. Remember I am an old lady. Once I am flat down on the ground it is difficult to get up again. LOL
Comment from marieann green

Just voted for this beauty in the contest.
Great capture considering the challenge of the pesky cat. All techs perfect

 Comment Written 21-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 22-Sep-2013
    Thank you very much for the lovely review
Comment from Alveria

Beautiful close up of your cat. They are amazing eyes. They remind me of my cat's eyes. She's a Siamese and has very blue eyes. This cat's eyes are beautiful and stand out even more because of the surrounding black fur. I had to laugh reading about your adventures in trying to get a picture. They are not very cooperative. :) The clarity and lighting in this photo is very nice. Great light reflections in these gorgeous blue eyes.

 Comment Written 21-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 22-Sep-2013
    Thank you very much for the lovely review