Reviews from

Blue Haired Woman

Modern Portrait Painting

15 total reviews 
Comment from Jairos

Beautiful colors, good impact, Very good Detail, depth and Frame , good b/g Good Work Again , - jairos

 Comment Written 31-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 02-Feb-2014
    I appreciate your nice review. Thank you so much for your support. Glad you liked it.
Comment from shoregrass

Very interesting modern/contemporary piece. Great quote. I like the use of predominantly primary colors except for the skin tone. Really adds to the modern look. There is a bit of Modigliani in this one which I like a lot including the tilt in the portrait face. There is also a lot of neat geometry with this piece within the hair texture and the background that adds lots of contemporary character to it. Very well done.

 Comment Written 31-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 02-Feb-2014
    I appreciate your nice review. Thank you so much for your support. Glad you liked it.
Comment from marieann green

Truer words were never spoken. Stunning portrait. Great primary colors and well placed in the frame. Enjoyed

 Comment Written 31-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 02-Feb-2014
    I appreciate your nice review. Thank you so much for your support. Glad you liked it.
Comment from Christine389

Oh this has real impact Sesha. I just love the bold use of primary colours and the design, with the way the head is angled within the frame. It's very striking and enjoyable art work.

 Comment Written 31-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 02-Feb-2014
    I thank you for your time and nice review. I do appreciate your positive feedback.
Comment from slhbowen

I saw the title and immediately thought about all of the old ladies with blue hair. Then I saw this.

This is really good. Your quote fits it perfectedly. I also like the slanted position.

 Comment Written 31-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 02-Feb-2014
    I thank you for your time and nice review. I do appreciate your positive feedback.
Comment from Regina E.H-Ariel

Very special face - the way you placed her in you frame already is outstanding giving her this special look - her soft smile hides great wisdom, a inner smile that only slightly shines out, more radiating in her being - her looks is persevering WOW she does not let you go - fixing you eyes in hers - and like magic - a very interesting composition, a different life style, great expressive abstract face or portrait, the blue hair or me signifies her heart lives in the heaves and she is a faithful spiritual person - well done

 Comment Written 30-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 02-Feb-2014
    I thank you for your time and nice review. I do appreciate your positive feedback.
Comment from Jake'sstudio

Modigliani goes Pop Art! With an almost religious stained glass icon hint thrown in for good measure. Very creative, imaginative and interesting piece. Pleasing to look at and contemplate. Simple in nature yet evocative. Well balanced and framed with great color choices. Another winner from that fine mind and gifted hand of yours. JAKE

 Comment Written 30-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 02-Feb-2014
    :):)I thank you for your time and nice review. I do appreciate your positive feedback.
Comment from julika

Great the simplicity of lines and the colours are beautiful.Reminiscent of an image of a Madonna...the blue veil and the yellow shape behind her head.

Initial impact 5
Creativity of presentation 5
Color Harmony 5
Center of Interest 5
Technical Excellence 5
Story Telling Ability 5
Lighting 5

 Comment Written 30-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 02-Feb-2014
    I thank you for your time and nice review. I do appreciate your positive feedback.
Comment from Ed Parmiter

love the colors the image has the texture of stained glass,,and the energy seems to flow from the center outward,yet another side of your multiple talents and very worthy subject matter ,,,very nice thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 30-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 02-Feb-2014
    I thank you for your time and nice review. I do appreciate your positive feedback.
reply by Ed Parmiter on 02-Feb-2014
    welcome ,,,im going to be painting a lot and spending less time on here,,,got the juices flowing this has been fun almost addictive,,,,ed
reply by the author on 02-Feb-2014
    Same here! I am getting very busy now a days and have little time to spare.I would like to devote more time to painting and marketing. Here's wishing you all the best!
reply by Ed Parmiter on 02-Feb-2014
    too bad a few of us couldnt put on a big exibition together that would be fun,,,
Comment from Efffell

Greeeat have returned to the early 20th century art scene with this really splendid and exciting and beautifully colored "acrylic" the veiw point is compelling and you have really done splendidly here...My thanks to you for showing it

 Comment Written 30-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 02-Feb-2014
    I thank you for your time and nice review. I do appreciate your positive feedback.