Reviews from

Lassie ?


18 total reviews 
Comment from Sange

Beautiful! Love the soft lighting and the way you use the oil filter on her fur to bring out the textures. Nice catch light in the eye and sweet pose as she looks at you. (She does look like Lassie.) Your photo and magical editing makes this wall hanging worthy.
Good Luck! =)

 Comment Written 06-Oct-2014

reply by the author on 18-Oct-2014
    Thank you so very much for the lovely review
reply by Sange on 18-Oct-2014
Comment from Lilibug6

This is a beautiful collie! The focus is very good! The colors and lighting are great! Very well done and thanks for sharing! Lilibug6

 Comment Written 05-Oct-2014

reply by the author on 06-Oct-2014
    Thank you so very much for the lovely review
reply by Lilibug6 on 06-Oct-2014
    You are very welcome=) Lili
Comment from pattigirl

What a beautiful dog, and your capture is just extraordinary. Clarity and focus are excellent, and the composition is just perfect A very good photograph. I think the doggie would be happy with his picture. Really nice! Good contest entry also.

 Comment Written 05-Oct-2014

reply by the author on 06-Oct-2014
    Thank you so very much for the lovely review
Comment from GaliaG

beautiful dog and a lovely shot of him

excellent focus, details and light handling

thanks for sharing

 Comment Written 05-Oct-2014

reply by the author on 06-Oct-2014
    Thank you so very much for the lovely review
Comment from seshadri_sreenivasan

This is beautiful pet photography.You have timed it well. The light, and the composition have worked well and you have caught the contended look on the dog's face very well. Good effort.

 Comment Written 05-Oct-2014

reply by the author on 06-Oct-2014
    Thank you so very much for the lovely review
Comment from Linda Bickston

Collies are quite skiddish. This is a perfectly beautiful photograph of a very beautiful dog. The colors of it's fur make a soft hue. Love it.

 Comment Written 04-Oct-2014

reply by the author on 06-Oct-2014
    Thank you so very much for the lovely review
Comment from farmgramma

Very beautiful collie portrait. Great colour and lighting. Great composition and framing. Great POV. Superb focus and DOF. Awesome image. Great work.

 Comment Written 04-Oct-2014

reply by the author on 06-Oct-2014
    Thank you so very much for the lovely review
Comment from 14renren

This is a beautiful piece of Art. Any one would have it on there wall. stunning processing to take it to a different level, the lighting is just exquisite. Beautiful work. dave :)

 Comment Written 04-Oct-2014

reply by the author on 06-Oct-2014
    Thank you so very much for the lovely review
Comment from Barb Baker

This is a gorgeous Collie. I have had four of them in my lifetime but never an unfriendly one? Hum...
Anyway love how you have cloned out the unwanted objects in the background and used a Topaz lens.
It is indeed a lovely shot of a beautiful dog!!
Good luck in the contest!!!
Barb Baker

 Comment Written 04-Oct-2014

reply by the author on 06-Oct-2014
    Thank you so very much for the lovely review
Comment from dalebraatz

Wonderful fist impression. Good detail, very well focused. Nice texture has been captured in the floor and dog. Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 04-Oct-2014

reply by the author on 06-Oct-2014
    Thank you so very much for the lovely review