Reviews from

In the Spotlight

Cool Sounds

2 total reviews 
Comment from USMCMa

This is an amazing shot! What a treat to be sitting in the front row to not only get to be so close to this musician, but also to get such great photos. I really like the look of pure joy and concentration on his face and how his trumpet shines so bright! The light shining down on him is almost like a special effect and adds depth to your photo. Very good focus and details, along with coloring. Great job!

 Comment Written 25-Mar-2016

reply by the author on 25-Mar-2016
    Thanks again
    Yeah I got lucky with this one
    Take Care
Comment from ChuckWaxman

Interesting capture. Like the angle on the shot. Spotlight gives it an nice extra touch. Who is the artist and where was this taken ? Colors, framing, focus and dof are nice. My only comment is that the lighting is a little harsh on his face and the front of the trumpet - could have used some adjusting.

 Comment Written 25-Mar-2016

reply by the author on 25-Mar-2016
    This was taken on a cruise ship
    Front row seats
    Lucky shot
    Take care