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Viewing comments for Page 26 "This Means WAR!!"

28 total reviews 
Comment from Ravenclaw

I like the use of colors and I love your art style especially with the squirrels. I love the expressions on their faces. They are quit cute.

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 Comment Written 04-Mar-2019

reply by the author on 04-Mar-2019
    Thanks for the review
Comment from Brendaartwork18

Wow says I. So much here! Your composition skills are maximized there is so much excellent detail. A lot of work and skil to produce the action: guards, a king, an audience with movement (clapping hands.. I like that particularly) and lit torches. Its atmospheric and colourful. Great artwork. Keep it coming.

 Comment Written 19-Feb-2019

reply by the author on 19-Feb-2019
    Well Brenda I'm gonna let in on what others don't realize. For this video all the illustrations (except promo poster) are being done on a 5x8"...wink wink.. thanks for the awesome review.
Comment from Shadow catcher

Well I can see the king has outlined what he plans on doing in wake of this assault upon one of their own,and the general assembly is obviously quite pleased! The armor on those by the king is really great,and I like their shields emblazoned with the acorn motifs.The torches holding flames in the acorn caps are a great touch,and the leaf backdrop for the throne frames the king really well.An excellent third installment in this ongoing drama that's keeping us breathlessly awaiting the next come!

 Comment Written 17-Feb-2019

reply by the author on 17-Feb-2019
    And the plot thickens..wink ..once all the fun drawing is done the work of editing for the music video begins..that will be a lil's gonna take at least 20 illustrations to make this work .wink.. thanks for the great review
Comment from blujdrawings

Love the detail in this one, the background is so well done. Love the expression and colours work so well contrasting nicely with each other. Again setting the bar. Well done

 Comment Written 17-Feb-2019

reply by the author on 17-Feb-2019
    Well Jay one thing for sure.. when they hit #1 you can say I made them truely earned it..wink... lolol.. thanks for the awesome review
Comment from Artistic Chick

This is another adorable ink composition. The expressions of your characters are so believable and really tells a story. It looks as though you enjoy your work. I sure enjoy reviewing it. Great work.

 Comment Written 17-Feb-2019

reply by the author on 17-Feb-2019
    Love to create and tell have over 20 illustrated music videos on YouTube. They are a wide range of music with different stories and topics. Some will make ya laugh, some will make you tap your foot. Some will make ya think and some will make you cry. The admission is free but you have to bring your own snacks...mine taste flat..wink.if you don't like going to YouTube, you can do a FAR search for "Temporary Home Finale" and check the attached video to it. It is a Hit from superstar Carrie Underwood. Wink. Thanks for the great review
Comment from jgrace

Very striking image. Your color choices really make this stand out. Drawing and coloring skill is excellent. Very creative piece that tells the story well.

 Comment Written 16-Feb-2019

reply by the author on 17-Feb-2019
    Thanks for the great review
Comment from Kelly Grant 2

OMG, those squirrels are at it again! This is awesome! I love it! You are a great storyteller with your art! Keep up the good work! Great piece!

 Comment Written 16-Feb-2019

reply by the author on 17-Feb-2019
    Thanks for the great review
Comment from Susan F. M. T.

A beautiful picture of the King of the Squirrels delivering his Speech before Going into Battle rousing his troops while promising Great Victories ahead!! Created out of your vivid imagination, very skilful draftsmanship, beautiful choice blending & application of your colours.

 Comment Written 16-Feb-2019

reply by the author on 17-Feb-2019
    Thanks for the great review
Comment from Mr Jones

this one is soo very kool. such a dynamic scene and very well presented. loving the expression and acorn shields. has this unreal world but super realistic vibe going on. it certainly is a reflection of artistic power.

 Comment Written 03-Feb-2019

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2019
    Thanks bro for the awesome review
Comment from cleo85

0I guess the guy in the middle is the king encouraging his knights for the fight. I like especial that all the animals show different expressions. The ladies in front seem to be enchanted by the king. The knight apparently know that the war won't be a funny game. While the knight at left shows a somewhat cramped smile, the knight at left looks sad. He probably knows that wars means always danger and suffering for family and friends.

 Comment Written 03-Feb-2019

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2019
    Thanks for the great review
reply by cleo85 on 04-Feb-2019
    You're very welcome :o)