Reviews from

The Ice Pigeon

a color pencil drawing

11 total reviews 
Comment from nikman

Never heard of, nor seen an Ice Pigeon before! But then again people learn something every day!! Looking at your lovely image I can see that it is well named. Your fine and skilful use of lines to create textures has worked out very well. Nicely done!

 Comment Written 18-May-2020

reply by the author on 19-May-2020
    good morning.
    A little more information: Pigeons and doves constitute the animal family Columbidae and the order Columbiformes, which includes about 42 genera and 310 species.

    Thank you for having looked at my artwork, your comments in support of me and my work is truly appreciated.
    Take care ,
    be safe.
    And as always have a nice day.
reply by nikman on 19-May-2020
    Never knew that pigeons are so complicated!
Comment from AndreThreeThou

I like how the orange and brown colors dominate the image, which set the stage for the whiteness of the pigeon. I think it magnifies the brightness of the bird, giving it an almost angelic type of aura to it. The soft details on it also accentuate this effect as well.

 Comment Written 17-May-2020

reply by the author on 17-May-2020
    yes, I also think the colors in the negative space help set up the bird nicely, allowing the plumage to shine.

    Trying to show the variety in the pigeon world, with both the drawing and the comments.

    Thank you for your support of me and my work with having taken the time to review the work being displayed; your efforts in doing so are really appreciated.

    Have great day & stay safe.
Comment from liseworks

I have never heard of these pigeons, never knew that they had all those feathers on there feet, must be interesting to fly with that but then again they need to keep warm, thanks for the spiel on this interesting bird

 Comment Written 17-May-2020

reply by the author on 17-May-2020

    trying to show the variety in the pigeon world, with both the drawing and the comments.

    Thank you for your support of me and my work with having taken the time to review the work being displayed; your efforts in doing so are really appreciated.

    Have great day & stay safe.
Comment from cleo85

This pigeon seems to have a similar body a Bar Saxon, but opposite colors. The contradiction of those two drawings is interesting.
I know it is complicated to draw white areas and avoid blown out detail and glaring parts, but recording detail within those areas. You did excellent work there. I do see detail of the almost white feathers on the back, breast and the belly, The beak and the black eye as also the darker feathers of the wings and tail and the Feather and the legs show excellent refinement of detail. Proportions and perspective are flawless. The bird is well placed within the frame. The composition is balanced.
I also appreciate the interesting information in your comments very much.

 Comment Written 16-May-2020

reply by the author on 16-May-2020

    i want to make these posts more then just the art work, but what the artwork represents, so people can judge if I did the bird justice or not.
    i see by the lack of response to my posts people, are not really interested. most do not understand what it takes to do a drawing Ike this, oh well such is life.
    thank you fro the wonderful rating and your continue support of me and my artwork, it is really appreciated. more then words can express.
    as always take care
    be safe and

reply by cleo85 on 17-May-2020
    You're more than welcome! :o) :o) :o)
    I know, reviews on artworks are rare. I think part of it is that those people are under-educated in everything including art and language. :o)
Comment from michiganmike

An exotic looking bird with all those feathers around its feet. I like this drawing with all the detail in the plumage and the beautiful color palette.

 Comment Written 16-May-2020

reply by the author on 16-May-2020

    trying to show the variety in the pigeon world, with both the drawing and the comments.

    Thank you for your support of me and my work with having taken the time to review the work being displayed; your efforts in doing so are really appreciated.

    have great day & stay safe.
Comment from MKFlood

another very cool one. the body form and language is excellent. the facial is great. the depth is great. the shading is great. the blend of the colors is great. the details is great. the creation is well balanced and eye appealing tot he viewer. creative and awesome work overall

 Comment Written 16-May-2020

reply by the author on 16-May-2020

    trying to show the variety in the pigeon world, with both the drawing and the comments.

    Thank you for your support of me and my work with having taken the time to review the work being displayed; your efforts in doing so are really appreciated.

    Have great day & stay safe.
Comment from seshadri_sreenivasan

Another masterly rendition of the iced pigeon backed by a detailed notes. Excellent technique of using coloured pencils to create depth and tonal range. Thanks for sharing!

 Comment Written 16-May-2020

reply by the author on 16-May-2020
    you are welcome.

    I am trying to show the variety in the pigeon world, with both the drawing and the comments.

    Thank you for your support of me and my work with having taken the time to review the work being displayed; your efforts in doing so are really appreciated.

    Have great day & stay safe.
Comment from mamamary

I believe I have reviewed a similar drawing or the same drawing? I remember the feathers on the feet and wondered how the pigeon flew. You are gifted with art and with photography. I like that the background of the brick and the darkness of the ground contrast so well with the ice pigeon. Excellent work, as always.

 Comment Written 15-May-2020

reply by the author on 16-May-2020

    similar pose, more details in the background, different breed of pigeon then the other one with the feathers on its feet.

    Thank you for your support of me and my work with having taken the time to review the work being displayed; your efforts in doing so are really appreciated.
    As always take care, be safe
reply by mamamary on 16-May-2020
    You are more than welcome! I think I was remembering the feathers on the feet. They make a big impression!
Comment from iPhone7

More Very informative information on these amazing pigeons.

This drawing is very nicely done. The details are such that they show the special qualities in this breed. The colors are very complimentary.

The framing and pose is spot on. The gray outline and information/signature detract a bit from this wonderful drawing. Not a big thing however.

Great work as always my friend ~ Steve

 Comment Written 15-May-2020

reply by the author on 16-May-2020

    trying to show the variety in the pigeon world, with both the drawing and the comments.

    Thank you for your support of me and my work with having taken the time to review the work being displayed; your efforts in doing so are really appreciated.

    Have great day & stay safe.
Comment from Neilnap773

A good representation of this unusual bird in your chosen medium.The details are well defined and I like the backdrop you have chosen as the plumage of the bird stands out better as a result.A very informative narrative is so appreciated

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 Comment Written 15-May-2020

reply by the author on 16-May-2020

    the variety in this on animal is just amazing, and I think it is worth sharing, through my drawing and narrative.

    Thank you for your support of me and my work with having taken the time to review the work being displayed; your efforts in doing so are really appreciated.

    Have great day & stay safe.