Watching The Artwork of Nature
Listening To The Silence7 total reviews
Comment from lynnkah
I decided to stop by to see who posted what and say this. This is impressive. the angle is different from the others and it makes them appear as people, or a couple.Male and female, gazing into the ocean to watch a boat pass by.
anxious to see what you can do with this one
love it
reply by the author on 05-Aug-2020
I decided to stop by to see who posted what and say this. This is impressive. the angle is different from the others and it makes them appear as people, or a couple.Male and female, gazing into the ocean to watch a boat pass by.
anxious to see what you can do with this one
love it
Comment Written 05-Aug-2020
reply by the author on 05-Aug-2020
Thanks Jane. I will see what I can come up with.
Comment from eileen0204
BFF, exceptional in every way.
Colors are vibrant and screaming!
Clouds are swirls of anger mixed with pleasure, yet the stone family looks on in a peaceful setting.
But here i am getting in too deep :)
Such a beauty BFF.. lessons?
reply by the author on 05-Aug-2020
BFF, exceptional in every way.
Colors are vibrant and screaming!
Clouds are swirls of anger mixed with pleasure, yet the stone family looks on in a peaceful setting.
But here i am getting in too deep :)
Such a beauty BFF.. lessons?
Comment Written 05-Aug-2020
reply by the author on 05-Aug-2020
Ahh BFF. You are too kind and Never too deep. ALL is natures artwork. Go deeper my BFF.
Lessons? OK. Come to Bucerias, Mexico, in January or February. We have a three bedroom place there that we rent for those two months. Just come down, stay for a week and we will burn our cameras / iPhones up. Free lessons ; )
hahahaha, how I wish we could take you up on that my BFF. Please stay well!
Comment from cleo85
Indeed the stones seem to resemble people watching the natural drama. I imagine a child and a parent. The orange of the sky is beautiful, but the dark clouds above loo almost threatening. This is a rendition which does not need words to be understand. The photo is perfect focused and exposed and has good depth. The mixed media changes are expertly made, without being obvious. The sun and the stone family are perfectly placed within the frame. Their location in opposite corners warrants a good balance. The mixed media is perfectly framed.
reply by the author on 04-Aug-2020
Indeed the stones seem to resemble people watching the natural drama. I imagine a child and a parent. The orange of the sky is beautiful, but the dark clouds above loo almost threatening. This is a rendition which does not need words to be understand. The photo is perfect focused and exposed and has good depth. The mixed media changes are expertly made, without being obvious. The sun and the stone family are perfectly placed within the frame. Their location in opposite corners warrants a good balance. The mixed media is perfectly framed.
Comment Written 04-Aug-2020
reply by the author on 04-Aug-2020
Thank you Cleo for your artistic and detailed review and comments. Always very encouraging ~ Steve
You're very welcome,Steve! :o)
Comment from avmurray
The sky is for sure set on fire in this photo, and with these strong colors it has a strong visual impact. I especially like how the sun is placed off to the left and the boat included.
The stacked stones indeed look humans watching the sunset, and they are standing out sharp and well defined against the sky. The exposure is very good.
The format and framing is working well, and with stones off to the right, it is a very good balance in the composition. A truly lovely and well taken photo Steve, and with an excellent DOF.
reply by the author on 04-Aug-2020
The sky is for sure set on fire in this photo, and with these strong colors it has a strong visual impact. I especially like how the sun is placed off to the left and the boat included.
The stacked stones indeed look humans watching the sunset, and they are standing out sharp and well defined against the sky. The exposure is very good.
The format and framing is working well, and with stones off to the right, it is a very good balance in the composition. A truly lovely and well taken photo Steve, and with an excellent DOF.
Comment Written 04-Aug-2020
reply by the author on 04-Aug-2020
Thank you so much Annie for your detailed and insightful review and comments. Very encouraging and much appreciated ~ Steve
You are more than welcome Steve.
Comment from suffolkbrian
Hi Steve,i could say you got stoned again but I won,t lol,can slightly see your point of view of these,not to sure of te one on the left as its slightly lost at the top,i would go to say I might just have used the two on the right,as I feel it would have made a stronger image...Brian
reply by the author on 04-Aug-2020
Hi Steve,i could say you got stoned again but I won,t lol,can slightly see your point of view of these,not to sure of te one on the left as its slightly lost at the top,i would go to say I might just have used the two on the right,as I feel it would have made a stronger image...Brian
Comment Written 04-Aug-2020
reply by the author on 04-Aug-2020
Hey Brian,
You really nailed the review. The figure on the left is just not good for the scene. I did some cropping and got it down to the two stone figures and the setting sun. It looks much better now. Thanks for your your Great and illuminating review. Now I gotta go get Stoned ; )
yes it is better,glad you agreed on that
Comment from helvi2
Hi Steve, You know what I see in this...a long tall preacher marrying a couple. The rocks are in the perfect position for that scenario .The sun going down sets up a nice twilight ceremony. I think your idea is pretty awesome too. Love how the mind's eye can visualize a story. Very cool and a joy to view! :o) Nancy
reply by the author on 04-Aug-2020
Hi Steve, You know what I see in this...a long tall preacher marrying a couple. The rocks are in the perfect position for that scenario .The sun going down sets up a nice twilight ceremony. I think your idea is pretty awesome too. Love how the mind's eye can visualize a story. Very cool and a joy to view! :o) Nancy
Comment Written 04-Aug-2020
reply by the author on 04-Aug-2020
Hey Nancy,
What a great read on this photo. I never thought of that. You are so right. It Could be a preacher marrying a couple at the beach. We saw many of these in Puerto Vallarta. Man that is One TALL Preacher LOL. Thank you Nancy ~ Steve
Hi Steve, I love seeing images like this and seeing a story within. I think it adds a special touch to the image! Way back when I posted an image of a mushroom here. You could see the frills beneath the cap. I thought the cap looked like a sombrero, so I put eyes on the mushroom and called it Senior Mushroom or Sombrero. I couldn't help but see an image in your posting! The rock preacher is pretty tall LOL...but it so adds fun to the shot! Love the shot! :o) Nancy
Comment from Sean T Phelan
It makes me think of the various '-Henges' that my Celtic ancestors set up ( under proper Druidic instruction. ) all over Britannia and Hibernia way 'back in the day'!
'Good Show',my friend!
reply by the author on 04-Aug-2020
It makes me think of the various '-Henges' that my Celtic ancestors set up ( under proper Druidic instruction. ) all over Britannia and Hibernia way 'back in the day'!
'Good Show',my friend!
Comment Written 03-Aug-2020
reply by the author on 04-Aug-2020
Hey Sean,
I really Does remind one of the Henges. I did not think of that but you are right. I am always amazed as I watch these guys stack and balance the stones one upon the other. Often time there is only a couple of centimeters where there is a balance point. Thanks a lot Sean ~ Steve
You're very welcome,Steve!