Reviews from

A rose by any other color

A b/w rose from a red rose

5 total reviews 
Comment from willie

Very nice photograph! The detail is great. You won third place in this contest. We have no control about the outcome but as far as I'm concerned, your picture should have been the winner.
Third is better than nothing.

 Comment Written 25-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 25-Aug-2023
    Thanks Willie, glad you liked this photo. A b/w flower is an unusual post for sure. I am happy with third place. FAR has been good to me down through the years of being a member. Thanks again for your kind comments.
Comment from avmurray

It is just a perfect rose you have pictured here, and I especially like the dark background with the faded leaves. The light is also falling on the petals in such a lovely way, and the rose is standing out from the background in an excellent way.

The focus is spot on and sharp showing clear and well defined details in the petals. The exposure is perfect. It is fine distinctions between light and dark.

The format is very good and the rose has got a very good placement off to the left. Indeed a lovely and well taken photo Allan, and with an excellent DOF. I wish you luck with the contest.

 Comment Written 19-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 20-Aug-2023
    Thanks Annie, posting a b/w flower is a bit "reckess" as who wants a monochrome colored flower. But I suspected you might appreciate this as a bit different than normal. Thanks for the support and high rating, glad I posted it now!
reply by avmurray on 21-Aug-2023
    I for one want a flower in b/w Allan. LOL You are more than welcome for the review.
Comment from suffolkbrian

I do like b/w and we don,t often see flowers in that way,think the contrast with the light rose and the blackish background works really well,good one...Brian

 Comment Written 16-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 16-Aug-2023
    Thanks Brian, I would not normally choose a flower for b/w but in this case it seemed to be interesting if not novel.
reply by suffolkbrian on 16-Aug-2023
    your welcome and spot on with comments
Comment from helvi2

Hi Allan, This is very cool! I almost feel like I can reach into the image and touch the rose. The petals look soooo silky! Love the lighting on the rose and the super focus! Excellent choice for the BW contest! I like it! :o) Nancy

 Comment Written 15-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 16-Aug-2023
    Thanks Nancy glad you liked this rendition of a rose. It is a bit unusual to choose a rose for a b/w contest, but sometimes different can be good. I appreciate your review and high rating, so thanks a $$$$$$$ (a million that is : )
reply by helvi2 on 16-Aug-2023
    You're very welcome Allan! :o)
Comment from Sean T Phelan

I like black and white images myself,Allan!
I'm enjoying this very Well-Presented example of one that you've chosen to share with us very much!
'Good Show',my friend!
. ,

 Comment Written 15-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 16-Aug-2023
    Thanks for stopping by and looking at this contest entry.
reply by Sean T Phelan on 16-Aug-2023
    Certainly,Allan! : )