Reviews from

Sundown at the Bat Cave

Soon to be the plethora of activity

10 total reviews 
Comment from JirinaInspire

What an interesting place to be and wait for the bats to come out.
Beautiful colors and details with an excellent presentation.
Ray thank you for sharing your art !

 Comment Written 16-May-2024

reply by the author on 16-May-2024
    Jiria, Thank you for your wonderful review and rating. So nice to hear you like it. Ray
Comment from Devonte Baker

So many colors!! I love it, this is a great painting I see the colors of sundown and the colors when the sun rays reflects off the cave as well which to this beautiful painting. Beautifully done, thank you for sharing

 Comment Written 16-May-2024

reply by the author on 16-May-2024
    Devonte, Your review and rating are both amazing. I am so glad you enjoy the technique and the painting. Your support is well appreciated. Ray
Comment from Mark Lovegrove

Hi Ray, I think this image is a vibrant celebration of creativity but gosh batman I think I can see the cave. Should hide that. Very well done, keep it up, no sixes left, cheers.

 Comment Written 16-May-2024

reply by the author on 16-May-2024
    Mark, thank you for your fine review. I see you picked up on the humor. I am glad you enjoyed it. Ray
Comment from Erika Whittle

Nice use of layers. I'm sorry if my previous review was offensive. As you said I'm new to the site. Thank you for explaining. The colors are nice.
Good job!
also, I still think texture paste is fun to play around with but it seems you're a much more seasoned artist than me so you can just ignore the suggestion if it doesn't tickle your fancy.

 Comment Written 16-May-2024

reply by the author on 16-May-2024
    Hi Erika, There are no textures in this painting it is all thin layering technique and the rest of your review doesn't make sense to me, " if you want to paint the form, texture paste? "

    Ah a newbie, I can tell by the rating you gave. Welcome to FanArtReview, Erika, a family of artists and photographers. I can also tell that you haven't reviewed other artists or photographers reviews to see how it works. Here are a few thoughts to guide you through and hopefully show you how to have an enjoyable experience here. It is important to make friends, because you want to be supported and reviewed. Ratings and reviews are different. Starting with the review , this is where you get a chance to offer guidance through what you personally feel about the work, but if you like the work it should at least get a 5 star rating. Everyone gets a limited amount of 6 stars to give in a one week period. This is the highest rating so they are very valuable. If you like a piece it is advisable to give at least a rating of 5 stars , If you really love it give it a 6 star rating. So anything below a 5 is berating. All are artists and photographers are rated by the points they accumulate and gives them a standing on their category. A 4 1/2 star rating destroys a 6 rating A 4 star rating destroys two sixes and a 3 1/2 destroys three 6 star ratings. So I think maybe you might have made a mistake with your 3 1/2 star rating of which you can change if you wish to, by going back to the original rating and correct it that way. Think of this too, what you give you will usually get back. I hope this helps you through. If you choose not to correct, please refrain from reviewing my work. Ray
reply by Erika Whittle on 16-May-2024
    Since I have received mixed reviews on one of my own pieces I guess I was being berated?
reply by the author on 16-May-2024
    First of all I am sorry for coming down on you so hard. I was out of bounds. The management should have a welcoming committee. I am not into thick paint I find thin layers create depth when using complimentary colors. It happens in the original.

    You were berated if you received a low rating with no reason. New people don't do it intentionally. Some do it to get ahead. Photographers do it more than artists. You will see as time goes on.

    Thank you for your fine review I am glad you enjoyed it. Ray
Comment from CREZart

Very nice Ray. One of my favorite color combinations. Sometimes I am more challenged to see your vision. Sometimes I have no problem. But I truly enjoy looking at your work :)

 Comment Written 15-May-2024

reply by the author on 16-May-2024
    Cindy thank you for your fine review and I am glad you enjoy it. Ray
Comment from MKFlood

as the dusk colors reflect inside the cave disturbing the winged creature of the night! lol..its like a colorful ghostly presence rising from the ground. colorful creation. the details is great. the depth is great. the blend of the colors is great. the shape and design is balanced and eye appealing to the viewer. creative approach and great job overall.

 Comment Written 15-May-2024

reply by the author on 15-May-2024
    Thank you Mark for your wonderful review ad I am glad you like it. I left a note on the review of your recent video, did you pick up on it?. Ray
reply by MKFlood on 16-May-2024
    Yes and thanks
reply by the author on 16-May-2024
    Great, Ray
Comment from seshadri_sreenivasan

I wouldn't go anywhere near it, even during the day. I like the atmospherics you have created. With the artful use of colours and strokes, you have conveyed depth and movement,. Well done!

 Comment Written 15-May-2024

reply by the author on 15-May-2024
    Sesha, thank you for your wonderful review of my painting. I am glad you enjoy it. Ray
Comment from orchidrn

A beautiful colorful rendition of a bat cave, that needs some imagination to see into the interior, which I believe I can. A few bats flying out would make it more realistic though.

 Comment Written 14-May-2024

reply by the author on 15-May-2024
    Michele, thank you so much for your fine review. I am glad you enjoyed it. As far as the bats are concerned, they leave the cave after the sunsets and return before sunrise, they are nocturnal and have weak eyes. In most of my work, I try to let the viewer use their imagination to fill in details. Thank you again, Ray
Comment from suffolkbrian

i presume Ray the cave represents a cave where bats live i think maybe you might have included some flying out[although i think they tend to all come out at once so probarly not possible] but that aside this is another colorfull piece of art...Brian

 Comment Written 14-May-2024

reply by the author on 14-May-2024
    You got every thing intended right. Thank you for your fine review, I am glad you enjoyed it. Ray
reply by suffolkbrian on 15-May-2024
    your welcome
Comment from Maureen Woychyshyn

Wow Ray. Once again you have created an amazing visual. I love your composition shades tones and textures within your piece. You truly are an inspiration to us artists. A virtual six from me( would give you a ten if I could)

 Comment Written 14-May-2024

reply by the author on 14-May-2024
    It is nice to know you enjoyed it and thank you so much for your wonderful review. Ray