Reviews from

She Stands Strong

just for fun

10 total reviews 
Comment from Ray Gordon

Wow, Mark very impressive post of your daughter looking so cool. Dabbling in AI, you have done a fine job with your prompts of this digital piece. I wish I had more to give. Ray

 Comment Written 30-May-2024

reply by the author on 01-Jun-2024
    thanks Ray for the great review
Comment from nikman

An interesting image posted here together with fascinating notes too! She looks like a Viking Princess from long ago. Like the lightening. Well created!

 Comment Written 30-May-2024

reply by the author on 01-Jun-2024
    thanks for the great review
Comment from suffolkbrian

No wonder she wanted this and imagine showing her friends,sort of game of thrones type of scene,bet now your street cred has gone well up...Brian

 Comment Written 30-May-2024

reply by the author on 01-Jun-2024
    lol...thanks for the great review
reply by suffolkbrian on 01-Jun-2024
    you are welcome
Comment from Stacia Ann

Wow, as a writer I'm interested in the backstory:)
The feeling I get, from the woman's posture and expression, is one of liberation--not as if she's won a physical battle, as suggested by the clothes, but more as if she's broken free from a bad relationship and is moving forward without the "bad boyfriend"--who, again, doesn't seem so much warrior as rejected partner.
On the artistic level, what I find most striking is the play of light and dark,with the woman's features highlighted most, as she faces forward, not looking back.
Excellent, thanks for sharing:)

 Comment Written 29-May-2024

reply by the author on 01-Jun-2024
    good imagination but believe it or not she is 12. so any boy come around grandpa will remind him that he is 1 step from jail..wink.. lol..glad you have enjoyed this and thanks for the good review.
Comment from orchidrn

This is just a wonderful presentation in digital art. The figures are so clear and sharp, and the dark sky with lightening ads drama and interest to the whole piece.

 Comment Written 29-May-2024

reply by the author on 01-Jun-2024
    thanks dear for the awesome review
Comment from JirinaInspire

Great II mage and use of the technology that helps to create a unique and so powerful arty.
Wonderful details that fit into the content desired by your granddaughter. And now you have more work do. Nice work Mark!

 Comment Written 29-May-2024

reply by the author on 01-Jun-2024
    yes i create a monster..lololol..that is ok..papaw has shown her how she can use the AI..wink. thanks for the great review.
Comment from helvi2

Hi Mark, If my granddad could have created something like this for me I know I would have been thrilled! Love the positive vibes of your granddaughter. She looks like nothing could keep her from her goals. One almost feels as if the lightning is energizing her. I think you placed her in a wonderful setting. Totally understand why she wants a poster of this. I think it shows wonderful strength. Wish I had a six for you! :o) Nancy

 Comment Written 29-May-2024

reply by the author on 01-Jun-2024
    thanks Nancy for the awesome review.
Comment from Maureen Woychyshyn

If I could give you a six, I would definitely do that as this is on an amazing visual. I'm giving you a virtual one. Composition shades tones colours add to this wonderful and delightful scene. Well done!! She's a lucky girl!!

 Comment Written 29-May-2024

reply by the author on 29-May-2024
    Thanks for the great review
Comment from seshadri_sreenivasan

Wow! This looks straight out of a Hollywood movie. This digital artwork captures your granddaughter's perdonality beautifully, revealing her unique character and personality.. Get her a 3D poster. It should look great. Well done. Very creative. Your granddaughter must be very proud of you.

 Comment Written 29-May-2024

reply by the author on 29-May-2024
    Thanks for the awesome review
Comment from avmurray

I have to tell you straight away that I am not a big fan of AI, but as you say, this is just for fun. Your granddaughter must be very pleased with the result though.

I don't usually comments on exposure, colors or composition, because after all it is not really done by you, but an AI programme. Looks good though.

 Comment Written 29-May-2024

reply by the author on 29-May-2024
    My only disagreement is my imagination with a very descriptive amount of info to tell the AI to I say half and half since it takes someone to enter in the info. Yes I still draw when I'm not creating videos..wink..thanks AV for your time and review(thumbs up)
reply by avmurray on 05-Jun-2024
    You are more than welcome Mark.