Reviews from

Sixteen Candles

All different

9 total reviews 
Comment from Mark Lovegrove

Hi, this image titled Sixteen Candles is a mesmerising journey where the viewer is invited to look for images within each candle. Brilliant use of colour and texture. Thanks for sharing and good luck in the contest, cheers.

 Comment Written 08-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 08-Jun-2024
    Thank you Mark. I am glad you like it.
Comment from alaskapat

This is an interesting entry for this contest. I counted 16 candles and I can see that each one is different . I like the color choices and the way they are applied. I like also that each candle has its own unique flame.
Black was the perfect choice for background as it emphasizes the candles beautifully!
Well created, arranged and presented! Best wishes to you in this contest!

 Comment Written 07-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 07-Jun-2024
    A hint is sweet sixteen and the candles are best friends and family. Thank you for your wonderful review. I am glad you enjoyed it.
Comment from soulfeeder

A galore of candles of many rustic colors and out of the box design. I like it that you've presented this with dark background because each candle with distinct design and colors really stands out. Made me think of Sweet Sixteen birthdays. Yes, all different . High on artistic ability and creativity.

 Comment Written 06-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 06-Jun-2024
    That is what it is all about sweet sixteen birthdays. Thank you for your wonderful review.
Comment from avmurray

I would not mind getting hold of candles looking like this. I think people would fall for abstract patterned wax like this. I like that all the 16 candles are presented with an all dark background and that they are outlined with white thin lines.

Perhaps the flames could have been smaller, but since this after all is an abstract, it works. The format and framing works well, and I like the way you have filled the whole area with the candles. Creative and well done painting, and I wish you luck with the contest.

 Comment Written 06-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 06-Jun-2024
    Thank you for your wonderful review, rating and comments. I am so glad you like it.
reply by avmurray on 08-Jun-2024
    You are more than welcome.
Comment from seshadri_sreenivasan

An interesting painting with colourful brushwork' It is a vibrant explosion of color and texture. Bold strokes of the flames paint dance across the canvas, creating a dynamic and expressive composition. Well done! Good luck!

 Comment Written 06-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 06-Jun-2024
    Thank you Sesha.
Comment from orchidrn

An interesting rendition into the contest. This view reminds me of glass perfume bottles sold in Indian shops.
A very creative scene with a black background to show them at their absolute best. Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 06-Jun-2024
    Thank you Michele.
Comment from helvi2

Very impressive! No secret who did this piece!Your abstract work works well here. You gave these candles the look of wax. The flame looks waxy too. Love the way you arranged them. The colors are wonderful. I think the outlines on the candles show them off well! Love the black background. Good luck in the contest! :o) Nancy

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 04-Jun-2024
    Nancy, Thank you for your wonderful review, rating and comments. So glad you enjoy it. Ray
Comment from Maureen Woychyshyn

A very interesting and creative visual presented here of these amazing candles. Composition, shades, tones, colours and background add to this lovely scene. Very well done thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 03-Jun-2024
    Thank you for your fine review. So glad you enjoy it.
Comment from Zilyram

I like this entry into the contest as the candles are all individual in creation and the colors of the wax create images within the candles.
The Sixteen candles representing sharing the light and love of the most important people on reaching 16 years of age which is a lovely tradition, not sure it is still continued these days.

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 03-Jun-2024
    Thank you Mary for your fine review of the remembered tradition.