Reviews from

Catnap Cuties

Kitten and baby mouse sleeping beneath flowers

10 total reviews 
Comment from Christine389

Oh I don't know how I missed this one Nancy. You have created an excellent AI image here, enhanced by your wonderful editing. I love the vibrant colours and the cat and mouse are just too cute! You will soon get hooked on AI - it's addictive and a great way to be creative I find.

 Comment Written 13-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 13-Jun-2024
    Hi Christine, I am hooked! LOL I've done several AI images so far but only posted this one. Getting what you want is not that easy but worth it in the end! Thank you for your super wonderful review! I am honored! :o) Nancy
reply by Christine389 on 15-Jun-2024
    Nancy you must stick with it and do more! Your creativity will really shine using AI. It is about editing as well as creating but it is so rewarding and I know that you will be so good at it! Welcome to the dark side hahaha
reply by the author on 16-Jun-2024
    Hi Christine, AI hasn't been easy but on the ones I've managed to create I love the results I've achieved. Look out dark side here I come! Lol Thanks for the encouragement! :o )
Comment from Shadow catcher

This is ADORABLE, Nancy!! I love the kitten and mouse sleeping away, framed by leaves and surrounded with those beautiful blooms, they remind me of Gerbera daisies! It's pretty impressive, despite the problems you encountered; I wouldn't even know where to start, plus i don't know if they have anything for iPads. Anyway, hopefully it will get easier as you use it, so I can't wait to see what you show us next!

 Comment Written 07-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 09-Jun-2024
    Hi LeeAnn, I was determined to make it thru AI and come out the other side! LOL Thank you so much for your awesome review! I'm honored by your incredible rating of my image. Bless You! :o) Nancy
Comment from JirinaInspire

Great effort Nancy and so very much deserved for the six stars. Your dedication and creativity payed off.
It is cute; delightful and beautiful rich colors. Thank you for sharing!

 Comment Written 06-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 09-Jun-2024
    Hi Jirina, Thank you so much! I'm thrilled you enjoyed this as much as you did! :o) Nancy
reply by JirinaInspire on 13-Jun-2024
    Very much welcome Nancy
Comment from Maureen Woychyshyn

This is absolutely adorable. Your frustration really paid off. Composition shades tones colours are so nicely presented and such a viewing pleasure. Well done.

 Comment Written 06-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 06-Jun-2024
    Hi Maureen, Knowing what a wonderful artist you are makes this review really special! Even though I used AI I wanted to do a great job and you just confirmed that I did! Thank you so much for the wonderful review! :o) Nancy
Comment from seshadri_sreenivasan

Wow! This surrealist art is a celebration of the imagination and a reminder of the power of creativity to challenge our perceptions of reality.A cat is posing on a leaf with an air of regal grace with its baby. Its eyes are closed, conveying a sense of contentment and relaxation. The flowers are magical. Bravo! Here is my SIX for you.!

 Comment Written 06-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 06-Jun-2024
    Hi Sesha, I'm thrilled you enjoyed this to the extent you did, but it's not a cat with it's baby. It's a kitten and baby mouse who have no idea they are suppose to be enemies! Thank you so much for incredible six star review! :o) Nancy
Comment from nikman

A good looking nature image presented here together with interesting notes too! Wonder how those opposites got to be so friendly? Like their slumbering poses. Your blooms and leaves are wonderful too. Well created!

 Comment Written 06-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 06-Jun-2024
    Hi Nik, Thank you for the great review! AI was not as easy as I thought it would be! I'm so glad you enjoyed what you saw! :o) Nancy
Comment from orchidrn

Hi Nancy. This piece is so cute and colorful. Lovely colors in the flowers and the greenery just add to the art rendition as a whole. I love the little cat and mouse sleeping underneath.

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 06-Jun-2024
    Hi Michele, So glad you enjoyed my sleeping kitten and mouse! Thanks for the great review! :o) Nancy
Comment from Ray Gordon

Nancy this came out to be very cute. the colors are amazing, the basil leaves are just right for the covering. Sorry to hear you had trouble, you have done a fine job recovering. I think you have to whisper to AI and let them know what a mouse is. Very nice presentation. I think this is a 10, design wise and it is your design. I only have 5. Ray

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 06-Jun-2024
    Hi Ray, Since this was my first AI, I was really hoping you'd look at it! I really wanted to know what you thought! Thank you so much for the super lovely review and cyber 10 rating! You made my day!!!! I did a lot of whispering to AI, trouble is, it doesn't listen! LOL I've done several images now, that I'm holding in the background. I've had trouble with all of them but eventually got something I've liked. Thank you for the kind note within the review about my woes with AI. I appreciated that kindness very much! :o) Nancy
reply by Ray Gordon on 06-Jun-2024
    Nancy, I say it like I see it. beautiful work. You really don't need AI, you do fine with out it. Ray
reply by the author on 09-Jun-2024
    Hi Ray, Thought I'd give AI a try and create the images I can't do by hand. I don't have the ability to draw or paint awesome images like this. I still plan to do the mixed media images I always do though. I'm very pleased you enjoyed my first venture! :o) Nancy
reply by Ray Gordon on 09-Jun-2024
    Nancy, when I look at your work without AI, it projects warm, personal feelings. Feelings of joy, excitement and wonder. You take the joy of the moment and proudly display it for the joy and excitement of others. You are not trying to make a point, you are there to share your personal excitement which is so easily noticed and interpreted. To put it simply your work is you, your thoughts, your feelings, ambitions and with all that comes your reality, which is some thing to be proud of. I am not a big fan of AI I feel it may be almost perfection but it sacrifices that human substance that reality offers. But please, explore, have fun and enjoy. I tell everyone to post proud and post finished work and work you can call your own. Almost everyone is searching for that distinctive edge, but you already have that, it is your personality. Ray
reply by the author on 09-Jun-2024
    Bless You Ray ! I think I'm going to copy your reply and put it on my refrigerator. :o) I'm never going to give up the images I create with photographic images. I love doing that! When I do AI I'm always going to add a bit of me by adding effects and even adding some of my own images to it. I don't want AI to rule me, I want to rule it! Thank you so much for your lovely reply! Don't worry about me not posting what I always have. A few years back I created an elephant from a Luna moth and posted it here. I so love manipulating images I've taken with my camera. :o) Nancy
reply by Ray Gordon on 09-Jun-2024
    Thats your forte. Ray
reply by the author on 09-Jun-2024
    :o) Thank you Ray! :o)
reply by Ray Gordon on 09-Jun-2024
    You are welcome nancy. Ray
Comment from CREZart

AWWW so cute. If only the rest of world could take a lesson from these little guys, lol. I know nothing about this type of art technique but this looks great. It does for sure bring a smile to my face.

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 05-Jun-2024
    Hi CREZart, All I did was write down the image I wanted to see in Microsoft Designer AI imager.. The AI imager then creates it, but it's not always easy getting the image you want. I had to do more than one image to get one I liked. In this image I had to get rid of an extra mouse that had two tails and was not quite a mouse. I added my own effects to really bring out the shot. I'm so glad you enjoyed! Thank you for the great review!
    :o) Nancy
Comment from soulfeeder

So cute and colorful. The kitten and the mouse cuddling each other are well placed in the frame. The warm colors of the blossoms are pretty uplifting. This artwork can be a good book cover. Excellent skills in creating digital art. An image with a story to tell.

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 05-Jun-2024
    Bless you Nieves, This was my first attempt with AI imagery. I wanted it to be more than just an AI image so I added my own special touches! I'm very pleased you enjoyed it so much! Thank you so much for the super wonderful review! :o) Nancy
reply by soulfeeder on 05-Jun-2024
    You're welcome, Helv's.