Reviews from

1st Curling Iron

fun with wondershare

7 total reviews 
Comment from Devonte Baker

The detail put forward into making this picture is awesome. I thought this picture was an actual photograph until I looked at the description. Your composition of colors are great. Thank you for sharing

 Comment Written 19-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 19-Jun-2024
    Amazing what ya can do with a thanks for your time and review
Comment from JirinaInspire

Great digital artwork Mark. Rey funny content and wonderful name for the presentation.
The details are perfect and your description explains everything.
Thank you for creating it'

 Comment Written 17-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 18-Jun-2024
    glad you have enjoyed this and thanks for your time and great review. keep an eye on facebook and twitter (FAR and FanStory) for some cool videos that has and more will be released. one is a series "Did YOU Know?" which gives interesting facts..also a new approach will be done on the monthly contests deadlines. so stay tuned to that FAR again
Comment from PuPiL art

Very funny! The woman's expression is great, and her hairdo is simply wild. You might think about resizing text so there's less negative space on the sides, and perhaps placing the first line above the subject's face and the second line below it so it reads like the set-up and punchline for a joke with her face in between. This is great work - keep it up and stay funny!

 Comment Written 17-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 17-Jun-2024
    oh thank you for your time and nice comments on the cartoon poster. your right but if i did reduce the text it would be done slightly. still want to capture the reviewer's eye. after all this is design to be a poster that you would buy in a store, not artwork in a gallery..wink...thanks for your time and review
Comment from seshadri_sreenivasan

Wow! What a beautiful young lady. What a beautiful artwork. You have added beauty to the God's creation. It breathes life. Excellent composition, colour coordinates and what have you!! I like this artwork. She is bound to have a lot of followers! wink!!!!Bravo!

 Comment Written 17-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 17-Jun-2024
    lol..thanks bro for the awesome review!
Comment from suffolkbrian

Not a fan of ai i must admit and deeply worried that it will take over photography/art in the long run,will it mean people will be stuck in front of a computer rather than go out and if you think about that where will we end up,progress i suppose is coming,attractive girl though...Brian

 Comment Written 17-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 17-Jun-2024
    i have 2 parts to the A.I. answer..
    1st if an artist that is using straight A.I. and place it in a traditional contest misrepresenting the medium then i an totally with you on that comment. More and more of software to catch that is trying to keep up with the fire frenzy of A.I. (majority of the downloads are coming from cells than computers.(kids)..also while im playing dominos online i bombarded with A.I. ads..the only one that was disturbing to me was, make a normal photo to take off the clothes and show that image. I remember a report of a student in orlando was suspended for using the A.I. program to strip down his classmates. these kinds of things makes A.I. evil.
    2nd part. As long as the artist is up front that A.I. is being used and he is competing in those non traditional contests then there should be no gripe. To me this is an awesome tool as a video creator. Before A.I. i had to draw my hand of course..the video "Backyard Warriors" took 42 took me 6 months to complete..that is only just one of many that i have done in the past. now thanks to A.I. i can move fast..i dont have to beg anyone to use their work or music and my work gets copyright.
    i have watched folks on both sides of the fence about the issue of A.I., and it kinda feels more like folks fighting over todays abortions is really a tremendous amount of good useful tools in A.I. but it does take a human to perverse it..wink. thanks for your time Brian.. hey btw it looks like im gonna have to create a member contest in july so i can get this contest deadline video want create a new one in july as well so ill get you back in the video..maybe it motivate fellow members to maybe create some as well. ill start on the video tomorrow to give you time to create one if you want to . thanks for the good review.
reply by suffolkbrian on 17-Jun-2024
    you are welcome,think this will be an issue for a while,i have nothing against progress,just about how it will progress in the future
reply by the author on 17-Jun-2024
    it will have to be monitored..spank the ones who deserve it..wink....what did you think about the member contest idea. im gonna do one either way.. trying to show the newbies that are coming on aboard to hop in create some contests. i was just offering you a 5 second mention in the video..whatcha think?
reply by suffolkbrian on 17-Jun-2024
    yes good idea my other concern on here is the amount of people entering any contest on here,i remember when you had to be quick to get in contests on here,funny though on other sites there are loads of entries,do wonder why this is not so on here.
reply by the author on 17-Jun-2024
    i can see many reasons but i feel that some few can lead as example in creativity and mastering of their medium. those who want to pursue their dreams. your right about the decrease but some come back and some are just not aware of what things that have changed since the last time they were here. the fellow members have to be reminded of the cool things they can do here. things here could pick up or die but until that ship is sunk im will be constantly bombarding and cheerleading fellow members here to be all they can be..wink...oh yeah the contest make sure it is in July..thanks
reply by suffolkbrian on 17-Jun-2024
    yes okay
Comment from helvi2

Hi Mark, Never would have guessed this lady got her first curling iron! Love how you went crazy with the curls! LOL I bet even you didn't expect this! Totally fun image and a joy to view! Love hat you added the comment! :o) Nancy

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 17-Jun-2024
    oh yeah it was fun..i was gonna put another row but i think that would be a little tooooooooooo thanks Nancy for the great review.
Comment from Maureen Woychyshyn

A very interesting, interesting and creative. Visual presented here of this woman and her multiple curls. Composition shades stones colours in expression really adds to this visual. Well done.

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 17-Jun-2024
    thanks Maureen for the great review.