Reviews from

My First Yacht

A nice quiet sunset

11 total reviews 
Comment from orchidrn

This is a lovely art piece; a beautiful merging of colors that project a calming serenity around this empty boat. Very calming and surreal. a beautiful scene overall

 Comment Written 20-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 20-Jan-2025
    Michele, thank you for your wonderful review, rating and comments. I am so glad you like it. Ray
Comment from Maureen Woychyshyn

A wonderful visual presented here, Ray. I love how you've done the water and the boat. I can feel the waves as there're splashing. Composition is very well done. Love your colours and textures. Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 20-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 20-Jan-2025
    Maureen thank you for fine review. I am glad you like it. Ray
Comment from Lynnmarie2

Got to be one of my favorites. Love the hint of the sun on the water in this. The details, colors, shading and framing are nicely done. Thanks for sharing!!

 Comment Written 20-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 20-Jan-2025
    Lynn Thank you so much for your wonderful review, rating and comments. There is a story, I had adventures with a boat just like this one and I had a great time rowing around. as I tell others my second yacht was a kayak which I enjoyed for many years after that. Ray
Comment from helvi2

HI Ray, Love the title to this! LOL To a kid there mind would definitely turn this or a raft into a yacht! Love the opalescent waters created by the sunset. I can imagine all kinds of adventures on this little boat. In waters like this who knows where your dreams would take you! Love the placement of the boat and the whole scene. Very cool! :o) Nancy

 Comment Written 19-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 20-Jan-2025
    Hi Nancy thank you for your wonderful review. In my early teen years I found a path through the reeds to a small cove in the bay and there I found a red boat fastened to a tree with a twenty foot rope tethered to a tree with a combination lock. I would take my bike there after school and clean the boat. I found the oars hidden in the reeds. I left the boat tethered and I would use the oars to get the feel of the boat. Then one Saturday the owner came by while was there and he thanked me for cleaning the boat and told me that he uses the boat to get to his other boat moored in the bay and that I could use it during the week. He gave me the combination to the lock. I had a lot of fun with that boat and I learned a lot. My second yacht was a kayak which I used and enjoyed for many years. And thats the story. Ray
Comment from Way West

I like this simply done work, Ray. The colors are tranquil and beautiful and they blend so well together. The sunset or sunrise as it may be lends a pleasing quality and nice depth. My 1st yacht looked something like this as well!
Jodi ~

 Comment Written 19-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 20-Jan-2025
    Jodi thank you for the wonderful review and story of your first yacht. I am glad you enjoyed it. Ray
Comment from Kathy Banich

Hi Ray, this painting stands out for its vivid use of color and its ability to evoke a sense of calm and wonder. It is a beautiful use of light, color that produces a feeling of tranquility.

The center of focus is the small red rowboat that is gently floating on a body of water during what appears to be a serene sunset or sunrise, with the mirrored image of sky colors reflecting in the water.

A very calming and surreal painting Ray. Beautiful!!

 Comment Written 19-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 19-Jan-2025
    A great description of this piece Kathy, you covered every thing well. Thank you so much for your superb review. Just to let you know my second yacht is a kayak which I enjoyed immensely throughout my years.
Comment from Jewell McChesney

Haha. Great title for your little boat here, finely depict ed in your usual style. Love the hint of light in the water. You have created another interesting piece. It even has movement. I can hear the slight splash of ebb and flow.,

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 Comment Written 19-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 19-Jan-2025
    Jewell, so nice to see you reading my painting so well. Thank you for your fine review, nice to know you enjoyed it. Ray
Comment from allanoak

LOL, at you had a nice first yacht, mine was not that good! : )

I like the overall color patter of the painting, it creates a unique mood. I like the sun's reflection in the foreground water. The placement of the yacht is perfect. I like the anchor rope giving some stability to the scene. Very nice.

PS-I keep telling myself to try a painting of my own based on your style as it is so unique.

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 Comment Written 19-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 19-Jan-2025
    Yes Allan, try painting with acrylics the range is wide open. I also like working with soft pastels. Thank you so much for your wonderful review. I am glad you enjoy this. Ray
Comment from alaskapat

Oh wow ! I love your title ! This is fantastic Ray! I love the wooden boat and its placement within this sunset scene. `the sky is amazing in the deep blue, green and yellow tones and that striking vivid orange cloud above the setting sun .
Well. Placed horizon line and I like that tree over on the right .
Love the way the water reflects the colors and the light,
The boat is so well rendered , I love the little boats as I grew up in a small fishing town. We called these boats skiffs .
This is beautiful work and it's truly a pleasure to view!

 Comment Written 19-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 19-Jan-2025
    Pat, thank you so much for your amazing review, rating and complimenting thoughts. You really did a great job in your descriptions. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas and you grew up in a small fishing town, wow. By the way my second Yacht was a kayak something I have been enjoying for many years. Ray
Comment from suffolkbrian

Maybe yacht is stretching it a bit Ray lol,but that aside i really like this one as it has an air of simplicity in this and although i might have had the boat on the right,i think in this case it does not matter,good one...Brian

 Comment Written 19-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 19-Jan-2025
    Brian I see you like my humor. Thank you for your wonderful review, rating and helpful comments. So glad you enjoy it. My second yacth was a kayak, which I enjoyed for many a year. Ray
reply by suffolkbrian on 20-Jan-2025
    you are welcome