Reviews from

Blue Buddies

Eastern Bluebirds Males

10 total reviews 
Comment from Lynnmarie2

Excellent capture. The way the shot is framed is nice as well. The colors, details, lighting and focus are great. Overall a nice presentation. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 04-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 13-Feb-2025
    Hi Lynn.. Thank you for the fine review and rating. I'm glad you liked the post ... Bob
Comment from Ray Gordon

Bob, Do you remember the Moody Blues, "Voices in the Sky", when I see this and your other blue bird shots that song comes to mind, I am dating myself. So beautiful to observe. thanks for sharing. Ray

 Comment Written 03-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 13-Feb-2025
    Hi Ray.. Yes, I do and that's a cool connection. I'm glad you liked the post. Thank you, for the excellent review and rating!... Bob
reply by Ray Gordon on 13-Feb-2025
    You are welcome Bob, Ray
Comment from MKFlood

They be scoping out the the angle of the shot of the 2 blue looking birds perched on the wood is great. The clarity is great. The capture of the light is great. The presentation is balance and eye appealing to the viewer. Good eye and great job overall

 Comment Written 03-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 13-Feb-2025
    Hi MK.. Thank you for the fine review and rating. I'm glad you liked the post ... Bob
Comment from orchidrn

A lovely picture Bob of these Blue birds, such lovely little fellows. Your focus and clarity is good with a blurred background so as not to distract from the subject

 Comment Written 02-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 13-Feb-2025
    Hi Michele.. Thank you for reviewing this capture and I appreciate your generous rating ... Bob
Comment from helvi2

HI Bob, I can only imagine how thrilled you were when you saw all those bluebirds! I don't see them very often so this image was a treat for me. Love that you managed to get a shot of two of them together. Nice job of capturing the bluebirds. I even like the way you captured the grain in the wood. :o) Nancy

 Comment Written 02-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 13-Feb-2025
    Hi Nancy.. I'm glad you liked the post. Thank you, for the excellent review and rating!... Bob
Comment from Maureen Woychyshyn

I love the story that goes with this wonderful visual. I think the one on the right is saying you really like being here in the cold. However, cold is us right now with the temperatures that ranging around -30s. I think I'd rather be those birds. Wonderful to view Bob thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 02-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 13-Feb-2025
    Hi Maureen.. I'm glad you liked the post. Thank you so much for the fine review and outstanding six rating... Bob
Comment from Susan F. M. T.

A beautiful picture of these two male Bluebirds perched on a wooden beam in a sunbeam that shows off their beautiful blue & orange plumage. Beautiful composition, framing & lighting taken with superb camera techniques & sharp focus.

 Comment Written 02-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 13-Feb-2025
    Hi Susan.. I'm glad you liked the post. Thank you so much for the fine review and outstanding six rating... Bob
Comment from nikman

A good looking nature image presented here, together with interesting notes. Your fine and classical composition gives us an enjoyable view of your lovely visitors and their location. Colours, textures and tones are good. Exposure and sharpness are fine. Well done!

 Comment Written 02-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 13-Feb-2025
    Hi Nik.. Thank you I'm glad you liked the post ... Bob
Comment from Glena Jessee-King

The birds are adorable and every part of the scene is so well and tastefully captured, from the background to the perch and birds. I really like your creative exposition also.

 Comment Written 02-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 13-Feb-2025
    Hi..Thanks Glena for the very complimentary review and great rating. I'm glad you liked the post ... Bob
reply by Glena Jessee-King on 02-Mar-2025
    Welcome. As usual I liked.
Comment from seshadri_sreenivasan

This nature shot is beautiful! Your framing draws the eye beautifully, and the play of light and shadows, combined with the rich colours, makes it truly captivating. Well done!

 Comment Written 02-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 13-Feb-2025
    Hi Sesha.. Thank you so very much for the in depth review and rating. I am glad you liked the post ... Bob