Reviews from

A Thousand Words

A day on the Blue Ridge

9 total reviews 
Comment from shore1inspire.

Very Nice looking Down the Mountain way, never stopped driving by as the pastureland to wonder use's. Early fall as the clouds gave you cover for great front coverage. Up the road Shenandoah / LOST RIVER similar, Thanks For A Ful view and air patterns wisping bye.
Enjoy your Camera Time.

 Comment Written 25-Mar-2025

Comment from MKFlood

Oh I can see it now..a father and son standing side by side looking out seeing this scenery..the son turns to his dad and ask "Dad why do you call this freedom?"..the Father looks at his son with a slight grin and says " your Mother is not here!"..lolol cool capture. The clarity is great. The capture of the light is great. The angle of the shot of this hilly colorful terrain is great. The presentation is balanced and eye appealing to the viewer. Good eye and great job overall

 Comment Written 24-Mar-2025

Comment from Susan F. M. T.

A beautiful mountain scenery with the sky reflected on the areas of water the mountains in the distance are bathed in sunshine. Artistic composition framing and lighting taken with superb camera techniques and sharp focus.

 Comment Written 23-Mar-2025

Comment from orchidrn

A nice view of the Blue Ridge mountains captured well with what looks like fall colors in the foreground, to the greenery in the middle and the lovely mountains, highlighted in the background by beautiful sunshine adding a golden hue to the peaks.

 Comment Written 23-Mar-2025

Comment from Maureen Woychyshyn

Every year it seems our fires get worse and our beautiful forest in the mountains get decimated. Did you know that in Canada 65% of those fires were man-made. That just shows how much respecting nature. I really hope that this year is going to be so much better. Thank you for sharing this lovely scene.

 Comment Written 23-Mar-2025

Comment from seshadri_sreenivasan

You've captured a wonderful moment in nature! The framing is well thought out, and the use of light and shadows adds both depth and character. The colours are vibrant, and the composition ties everything together seamlessly.A fine effort,indeed!

 Comment Written 23-Mar-2025

Comment from Len Shood

Nothing like a new camera to renew the enthusiasm for photography. This is a nice view, I'm not sure about the branches top left but they do add a bit of perspective. All in all a nice shot.

 Comment Written 23-Mar-2025

Comment from suffolkbrian

Yes its a shame about all those fires and the devastation and loss of life that evolves because of that,getting back to this photo i think using much more branches etc not only adds depth to a landscape it can make a difference to the photo...Brian

 Comment Written 23-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 23-Mar-2025
    I always appreciate your reviews and I try to learn as I go. My wife passed away back in Sept with Cancer and to better cope with things I decided to come back and get my mind off of things by being here with my friends. Thanks for the review. JackJr.
reply by suffolkbrian on 23-Mar-2025
    you are welcome,sorry to hear about that hope you are coping and maybe getting out and taking photos might help you cope.
Comment from nikman

A good looking nature posted here together with interesting and personal notes too. Your fine and classical composition offers us a lovely view of the beautiful location before you. Exposure and sharpness are fine. Well taken!

 Comment Written 23-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 23-Mar-2025
    I really appreciate your review, it is kind of hard to get back on track but I know that it want take to much time writing reviews and posting photos. Loss of life is sometimes hard to handle so you got to find things to do and that is why I am back. JackJr.